Freshsuccess Account API


This API provides programmatic access to the Freshsuccess Platform.

It can be accessed via:

  • https://API_HOST/api/v2/ENDPOINT when using basic authentication
  • https://API_HOST/api/v2/ENDPOINT?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY without basic authentication

Replace API_HOST as follows:

  • If you are located in Europe or Asia and are connecting to our European data center, your API_HOST is
  • If you are located in the US or Pacific and are connecting to our US data center, your API_HOST is
  • If you are not sure, please contact

Replace ENDPOINT and YOUR_API_KEY as follows:

  • ENDPOINT: the endpoint you wish to access, e.g., to bulk modify an account set ENDPOINT to 'accounts'
  • YOUR_API_KEY: the api key associated with your Freshsuccess account. If you do not have an api key request one from

The API is structured as follows:

  • GET is used for retrieving data either a single item or as a list of multiple items.
  • POST is used for bulk insert and/or modify operations. New entries are inserted and existing entries are modified.
  • PUT is used to modify an existing entry.
  • DELETE is used to remove or de-activate a record


Authentication is performed by API Key. The API Key may either be specified as a query parameter (e.g., ?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY) or using HTTP basic authentication. When using basic authentication, the username should be 'api' and the password should be YOUR_API_KEY.

Batching and Rate limiting

Many of the update operations require a fair amount of processing per request. As such, the API has been designed for batch upload. PLEASE batch as many updates as possible. This will significantly improve your overall throughput and puts less load on our servers. It is fine to have batch sizes in the 1000s. We do limit the max HTTP body size to about 10MB in size.
In order to reduce the system load we limit concurrent uploads (POST requests). Do not send multiple requests prior to the last request completing. If we detect concurrent uploads you will receive a HTTP 429 error.


POST and PUT parameters are passed in the body as JSON. The http header containing content type and specifying UTF-8 as the character set should be set as follows: Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8. All HTTP request bodies are limited to 10MB in size (limits are subject to change).
POST parameters must be placed in a "records" array within the base object. Multiple objects with the same primary key (e.g., account_id) must not occur multiple times within a single POST request; if the do exist, there is no guarantee as to the order in which the updates are applied:
  "records": [
    { Parameters }

PUT parameters must be placed in a "data" object within the base object:

  "data": { Parameters }

Parameters for GET and DELETE are passed as URL encoded query strings (e.g., /accounts?order_by=id&direction=desc&page=0). GET requests returning multiple items support pagination. Pages are indexed from 0 and page parameters are passed as URL query strings. Boolean parameters accept all data types from which they are converted to boolean according to the following logic: Apart from "0" all the integers are considered as "true", "0" is considered as "false", "true" and "false" are considered as to their corresponding values, Default value (false) will be returned in case of non-convertible value (like String).


All results are returned as JSON and contain a "status_is_ok" boolean property indicating operation success or failure (true or false respectively). If status_is_ok is false, then the batch had failed the first level of validation. If true, then the batch had passed batch level validation, however one must check the individual sub-record status to find any records that may have failed record-level validation.

GET responses contain an array of the results ("results"), a status field ("status_is_ok") and a message field on failure ("message"); the message indicates the reason for failure. If query parameters are supplied (e.g., for sorting) those parameters and their values are also returned (e.g., "order_by", and "direction" are commonly used for sorting).

Paginated responses contain a "current_page" property to support subsequent pagination requests, as well as a "max_page_size" property that specifies the maximum number of records per page. Currently, paginated responses return up to 1000 records at a time; additional records can be retrieved by supplying the "page" query parameter. If less than 1000 records are returned, it can be assumed that there are no additional pages.

  "max_page_size": 1000,
  "current_page": 0,
  "status_is_ok": true,
  "results": [ { RESPONSE } ]

POST responses contain a "failed_results" array that contains responses for records that failed. Each failed result object contains its own "message" and "record" property indicating the record that failed (indexed from 0). They also contain a "status_is_ok" field. If the "status_is_ok" is set to false, none of the batch records were inserted or updated due to a fatal error. If a non-fatal error occurs, "status_is_ok" is set to true, and the "failed_results" contains the list of records that failed (i.e., not updated or inserted).

  "status_is_ok": false,
  "failed_results": [ {
      "message": "'Invalid record, missing required field: account_id", 
      "record": 1
    } ]
POST and PUT requests will ignore records containing an "account_id" that is not found within Freshsuccess; however the "failed_results" return field will contain the list of mismatched accounts. For example:
  "status_is_ok": true,
  "failed_results": [ {
     "message": "Account not found",
     "record": 1
  } ]
To instead fail upon the detection of missing accounts, insert the '"ignore_missing_accounts" : false' property and value into a top level options object in the base request record. The example below also shows the use of the overwrite_csm_assignmets option described in the Account Bulk Update section. E.g.,
  "options": {
      "ignore_missing_accounts": true,
      "overwrite_csm_assignments": true
  "records": [

PUT and DELETE responses contain a "status_is_ok" field indicating if the request was successful, if the request failed the "message" string property containing a human readable response string:

  "status_is_ok": false,
  "message": "Invalid record, missing required field: subscription_id"

HTTP Response Codes

  • 200 The request was accepted at the server. Check the result property "status_is_ok" for successful request execution. A value of true indicates request was processed successfully, however for batch requests individual records may have failed while others may have succeeded. A value of false indicates a fatal error occured and no record was processed successfully. For batch updates, the "failed_results" array contains the list of failed records and a failure reason. See the Request subsection above for more details.
  • 429 Multiple concurrent uploads were detected. This request was rejected and not processed. Resend the request. Please use batching with a large number of records rather than sending many small concurrent requests. Currently only 1 outstanding POST/PUT request at a time is supported.
  • 500 An internal server error occured. These errors should not occur and are logged when they do occur.
  • 504 The request timed out. The current timeout is set to 90 seconds (do not retry prior to this timeout or you will receive a 429). This is often caused by the load-balancer rebalancing. The request should be retried after a short delay. If it happens continually, let us know (at
API to retrieve, add, modify and remove accounts. Accounts are the primary first class entity. All other data is associated with an account. An account maps to a customer and is associated with users, billing, and support data. In addition to the event usage data collected by other Freshsuccess APIs, custom dimensions and custom metrics can also be attached to an account.
Retrieve all accounts
GET /accounts
Retrieve a listing of all accounts. Note: only core account properties are returned, unless specified using the include query parameter (using the include query parameter, one can fetch the list of custom value and label dimensions, as well as the list of assigned csms). To return all properties by default, including dimensions, stage history and nps history, get a single account.
Pagination is supported. Current MRR is reported in cents.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
noqueryField by which to order results. Choices include: account_id, name, join_date.
Default: asc
noquerySets the direction of sorting. Choices include: asc, desc.
noqueryPage to view (for paginated requests)
Default: false
noqueryShow inactive accounts
noqueryInclude one or more pieces of extra information about the account. If more than one choice is provided the choices must be separated by a comma. Choices include: custom_value_dimensions, custom_label_dimensions, custom_event_dimensions, assigned_csms.
Example Response
  "current_page": 0, 
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "include_inactive": true, 
  "results": [
      "account_id": "12345", 
      "name": "Cocoa Ltd", 
      "crm_account_id": "crm-12345", 
      "billing_account_id": "billing-12345", 
      "support_account_id": "support-12345", 
      "billing_street": "66155 Malcom Trace Suite 234", 
      "billing_city": "Nicolleton", 
      "billing_state": "AS", 
      "billing_postal_code": "44411", 
      "billing_country": "USA", 
      "phone": "605.917.5197", 
      "employees": 4520, 
      "industry": "Food", 
      "tier": "High touch accounts", 
      "csm_score": 53, 
      "sales_rep_name": "Miss Aline Ledner", 
      "sales_rep_email": "", 
      "source": "adwords", 
      "join_date": 1312685594018, 
      "is_active": true, 
      "current_stage": "trial", 
      "current_mrr": 0, 
      "current_nps_score": 50, 
      "current_health_score": 40
      "account_id": "45678", 
      "name": "Klein & Co", 
      "crm_account_id": "crm-45678", 
      "billing_account_id": "billing-45678", 
      "support_account_id": "support-45678", 
      "billing_street": "485 Adah Canyon Suite 933", 
      "billing_city": "Doyleville", 
      "billing_state": "FL", 
      "billing_postal_code": "35010", 
      "billing_country": "USA", 
      "phone": "929.598.1610x375", 
      "employees": 4551, 
      "industry": "B2B Saas", 
      "tier": "Medium touch accounts", 
      "csm_score": 78, 
      "sales_rep_name": "Orelia Langosh", 
      "sales_rep_email": "", 
      "source": "adwords", 
      "join_date": 1329830477175, 
      "is_active": false, 
      "current_stage": "established", 
      "current_mrr": 100000, 
      "current_nps_score": 75, 
      "current_health_score": 72
Retrieve an account
GET /accounts/{id}
Get the listing of a single account by id. Current MRR is reported in cents.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathPrimary account ID
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "account_id": "12345", 
      "name": "Cocoa Ltd", 
      "billing_account_id": "billing-12345", 
      "support_account_id": "support-12345", 
      "crm_account_id": "crm-12345", 
      "billing_street": "66155 Malcom Trace Suite 234", 
      "billing_city": "Nicolleton", 
      "billing_state": "AS", 
      "billing_postal_code": "44411", 
      "billing_country": "USA", 
      "phone": "605.917.5197", 
      "employees": 4520, 
      "industry": "Food", 
      "tier": "Medium touch accounts", 
      "csm_score": 78, 
      "sales_rep_name": "Miss Aline Ledner", 
      "sales_rep_email": "", 
      "source": "adwords", 
      "join_date": 1312685594018, 
      "is_active": true, 
      "current_stage": "trial", 
      "current_mrr": 100000, 
      "current_nps_score": 75, 
      "current_health_score": 72, 
      "assigned_csms": [
      "custom_label_dimensions": {
        "favorite_chocolate_flavor": "hazelnut", 
        "favorite_fruit": "mango"
      "custom_value_dimensions": {
        "offices_count": 20, 
        "trucks_fleet_size": 12
      "stage_history": [
          "name": "trial", 
          "start_date": 1312685594018, 
          "end_date": null
Bulk insert/modify accounts
POST /accounts
Bulk update or insert accounts. This API is used to set: the metadata describing the account; IDs required to map this account to other 3rd party systems; CSM account assigned; custom dimensions that describe this account; and the history of stages for this account.

A Net Promoter Score (NPS) can be set one of two ways. 1) the score for an account can be set directly by setting it via the 'current_nps_score' field. 2) a set of scores along with a date and an optional username can be provided. The account's current score is then set by averaging together the set of latest scores withing a 30 day window preceding the date of the latest score. In both cases the score provided is added to a list of historic scores that can be viewed within the product.

An "options" object may be present at the root level (same levels as records), this object contains options applicable to all records. Currently, it can contain a flag indicating whether to overwrite existing csm rep assignments (rather than the default behavior of appending). If present the options object should be defined as:
"options": {
"overwrite_csm_assignments": boolean
Body Parameters
Insert / Modify
unique accross accounts
yes / yesPrimary account ID
yes / noCompany name
epoch milliseconds
yes / noEarliest time company joined product; customer since
epoch milliseconds
no / noRenewal date; manually added, should only be used if renewal dates are not present in billing subscriptions, otherwise subscription renewal date will overwrite.
no / noThis account's ID in the billing system
no / noThis account's ID in the support system
no / noThis account's ID in the CRM system
no / noCompany's street address
no / noCompany's city
no / noCompany's zip or postal code
no / noCompany's state
no / noCompany's country
no / noPrimary phone number
no / noNumber of employees
no / noIndustry category
no / noCurrent tier level
no / noQualitative CSM score
no / noNet promoter score; directly sets the account's current NPS (rather than uploading per user NPS data).
no / noCurrent MRR in cents. NOTE: this field should NOT be set directly unless the account has NO subscription data. This field is generally computed from subscription data and will be overwritten by calculating the current MRR value from the latest subscriptions.
no / noPrimary sale rep's name
no / noPrimary sale rep's email
no / noData source for account record
no / noCurrent stage for account, assigns start date of current time. Only one of 'stage' or 'stage_history' should be specified at same time.
no / noOptional website of account
no / noOptional description of account
no / noIf true hard deletes all account data and adds the account to a deletion list that will prevent the resync of data for that account id; equivalent to state = 'deleted'. If false, it removes the account from the deletion list allowing data to be resync'ed for that account, it does not restore any previously deleted data; equivalent to state = 'active'.
no / noMark account as churned if true, unchurns if false (and was inactive); when true, equivalent to state = 'churned'
epoch milliseconds
no / noTime account became inactive (deleted or churned); default, current time.
no / noReason account became inactive; default none
no / noSet the state of the account; equivalent to using is_deleted (see is_deleted for more details) or is_churned for setting deletion or churn; takes precedence over is_deleted/is_churned if multiple are used
no / noAccount ID of this account's parent (only for hierarchy support); explicitly set to null to remove parent link.
no / noTextual label of this account's position within hierarchy (only for hierarchy support)
no / noProduct code for the account
no / noRegion for the account
epoch milliseconds
no / noProjected churn date for the account (timestamp)
no / noThe Projected churn MRR in cents.
No risk,Low risk,High risk,Confirmed churn
no / noLikelihood of churn; one of: No risk,Low risk,High risk,Confirmed churn
no / noThe account's current status; the title
no / noThe account's current status; the details
epoch milliseconds
no / noThe account's current status; the date set
[ { email: string } ]
no / noList of customer success managers (CSMs) to assign/unassign from this account. List is merged with any previously assigned CSMs unless the option "overwrite_csm_assignments" is set to true, see bulk insert description for more details.
[ { key: string, 
    value: string } ]
no / noArray containing one or more key/value mappings of custom label dimensions. List is merged with any previously set label dimensions.
yes / yesName of custom label dimension
no / noTextual value of custom label dimension; if null will be set to null
[ { key: string,
    value: double } ]
no / noArray containing one or more key/value mappings of custom value dimensions. List is merged with any previously set value dimensions.
yes / yesName of custom value dimension
no / noNumeric value of custom value dimension; if null will be set to null
[ { key: string,
    value: long } ]
no / noArray containing one or more key/value mappings of custom event dimensions. List is merged with any previously set value dimensions.
yes / yesName of custom event dimension
epoch milliseconds
no / noTimestamp value of custom event dimension; if null will be set to null
[ { name: string,
    url: string,
    description: string } ]
no / noArray containing one or more document urls to associate with account.
yes / yesDisplay name of the url
yes / noActual url. E.g., If null, entry will be deleted.
no / noOptional description
[ { name: string,
    start_date: long,
    end_date: long } ]
no / noArray containing a list of stages for an account over time. List is merged with any previously set stages (e.g., to incrementally add a new stage).
yes / no updateName of the stage
epoch milliseconds
yes / no updateTimestamp of stage start time in epoch ms
epoch milliseconds
yes / no updateTimestamp of stage end time in epoch ms
Omit the end_date to indicate this stage is the current stage; there can only be one current stage
[ { nps_score: long,
    date: long,
    username: string,
    survey_name: string,
    comments: string } ]
no / noArray containing a list of Net promoter scores and the dates on which they occurred (optionally per user). List is merged with any previously set scores. The current score is calculated by averaging all scores in a 30 day window preceding (and including) the date of the latest score.
yes / yesNet promoter score
epoch milliseconds
yes / no updateTimestamp of score in epoch ms
no / no updateOptional username associated with score
no / noOptional survey name or campaign name to associate with entry
no / noOptional comments associated with score
Example Request
  "records": [
      "account_id": "12345", 
      "name": "Cocoa Ltd", 
      "crm_account_id": "crm-12345", 
      "billing_account_id": "billing-12345", 
      "support_account_id": "support-12345", 
      "billing_street": "66155 Malcom Trace Suite 234", 
      "billing_city": "Nicolleton", 
      "billing_state": "AS", 
      "billing_postal_code": "44411", 
      "billing_country": "USA", 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [
          "key": "favorite_flavor", 
          "value": "hazelnut"
          "key": "favorite_fruit", 
          "value": "mango"
      "custom_value_dimensions": [
          "key": "offices_count", 
          "value": 20
          "key": "trucks_fleet_size", 
          "value": 12
      "phone": "605.917.5197", 
      "employees": 4520, 
      "industry": "Food", 
      "tier": "High touch accounts", 
      "csm_score": 53, 
      "sales_rep_name": "Miss Aline Ledner", 
      "sales_rep_email": "", 
      "source": "adwords", 
      "join_date": 1312685594018
Example Request -- Assign CSMs
  "records": [
      "account_id": "12345", 
      "assigned_csms": [
          "email": ""
          "email": ""
      "account_id": "6789", 
      "assigned_csms": [
          "email": ""
          "email": ""
Example Request -- Add custom dimensions
  "records": [
      "account_id": "12345", 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [
          "key": "favorite_flavor", 
          "value": "hazelnut"
          "key": "favorite_fruit", 
          "value": "mango"
      "account_id": "6789", 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [
          "key": "favorite_flavor", 
          "value": "strawberry"
          "key": "favorite_fruit", 
          "value": "banana"
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": false, 
  "failed_results": [
      "message": "'employee' value must be a number", 
      "status_is_ok": false, 
      "record": 1
Modify an account
PUT /accounts/{id}
Modify a single existing account. See the POST request for the JSON body parameters. The body should contain the user's account_id.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathPrimary account ID
Example Request
  "data": {
    "account_id": "12345", 
    "name": "Cocoa Ltd", 
    "crm_account_id": "crm-12345", 
    "billing_account_id": "billing-12345", 
    "support_account_id": "support-12345", 
    "billing_street": "66155 Malcom Trace Suite 234", 
    "billing_city": "Nicolleton", 
    "billing_state": "AS", 
    "billing_postal_code": "44411", 
    "billing_country": "USA", 
    "custom_label_dimensions": [
        "key": "favorite_flavor", 
        "value": "hazelnut"
        "key": "favorite_fruit", 
        "value": "mango"
    "custom_value_dimensions": [
        "key": "offices_count", 
        "value": 20
        "key": "trucks_fleet_size", 
        "value": 12
    "phone": "605.917.5197", 
    "employees": 4520, 
    "industry": "Food", 
    "tier": "High touch accounts", 
    "csm_score": 53, 
    "sales_rep_name": "Miss Aline Ledner", 
    "sales_rep_email": "", 
    "source": "adwords", 
    "join_date": 1312685594018
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true
Retrieve documents
GET /accounts/{id}/documents
Returns an array of account document urls. Pagination is supported.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
noqueryZero indexed pagination
Example Response
  "results": [
      "account_id": "account1", 
      "description": "Description of the url contents", 
      "name": "File name 1", 
      "url": "http://test.url"
      "account_id": "account1", 
      "name": "File name 2", 
      "url": "http://test.url2"
  "current_page": 0, 
  "max_page_size": 1000, 
  "status_is_ok": true
Retrieve custom metrics
GET /accounts/{id}/metrics
Returns an array of custom metrics. Pagination is supported.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
Default: asc
noquerySets the direction of sorting (order by timestamp)
noqueryZero indexed pagination
Example Response
  "order_by": "timestamp", 
  "direction": "asc", 
  "results": [
      "chocolate_bars_consumption": [
          "timestamp": 1312685594018, 
          "value": 3
          "timestamp": 1312623494011, 
          "value": 10
      "hazelnuts_consumption": [
          "timestamp": 1312685594018, 
          "value": 145
          "timestamp": 1312623494011, 
          "value": 112
  "current_page": 0, 
  "max_page_size": 1000, 
  "status_is_ok": true
Retrieve invoice statements
GET /accounts/{id}/statements
Returns an array of statements for the provided account ID. All revenue is reported in cents. Pagination is supported.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
Default: invoice_id
noqueryField to order by
Default: asc
noquerySets the direction of sorting
noqueryZero indexed pagination
Example Response
  "current_page": 0, 
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "account_id": "1", 
      "invoice_id": "invoice-0", 
      "non_recurring": 45493, 
      "start_date": 1410055451006, 
      "paid_date": 1411351451006, 
      "is_failed": false, 
      "line_items": [
          "amount": 45493, 
          "is_recurring": false, 
          "description": "Et et provident beatae blanditiis quae recusandae rerum."
      "account_id": "1", 
      "invoice_id": "invoice-1", 
      "start_date": 1411351451006, 
      "paid_date": 1412647451006, 
      "is_failed": false, 
      "recurring": 70552, 
      "non_recurring": 73196, 
      "line_items": [
          "amount": 23322, 
          "is_recurring": true, 
          "description": "Consequuntur omnis ut est porro est molestias nostrum."
          "amount": 73196, 
          "is_recurring": false, 
          "description": "Dolorum et placeat similique suscipit perferendis."
          "amount": 47230, 
          "is_recurring": true, 
          "description": "Explicabo eos rerum quia et."
Retrieve subscription history
GET /accounts/{id}/subscriptions
Returns an array of the subscription history plan entries for the provided account ID. All revenue is reported in cents. Pagination is supported.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
Default: start_date
noqueryField to order by
Default: asc
noquerySets the direction of sorting
noqueryZero indexed pagination
Example Response
  "current_page": 0, 
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "subscription_id": "subscription_1", 
      "account_id": "2", 
      "start_date": 1392566436543, 
      "end_date": 1395158436543, 
      "expiration_date": 1427996422070, 
      "plan_code": "plan_1", 
      "units": 18, 
      "revenue": 188595, 
      "cycle_unit": "month", 
      "cycle_length": 3
      "subscription_id": "subscription_2", 
      "account_id": "2", 
      "start_date": 1395158436543, 
      "end_date": 1397750436543, 
      "expiration_date": 1447799926555, 
      "plan_code": "plan_2", 
      "units": 91, 
      "revenue": 818019, 
      "cycle_unit": "day", 
      "cycle_length": 45
Retrieve support tickets
GET /accounts/{id}/support_tickets
Returns an array of support tickets for the provided account ID. Pagination is supported.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
Default: create_time
noqueryField to order by
Default: asc
noquerySets the direction of sorting
noqueryZero indexed pagination
Example Response
  "current_page": 0, 
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "ticket_id": "21623876183", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "assignee_id": "45493", 
      "assignee_email": "", 
      "type": "problem", 
      "state": "closed", 
      "priority": "normal", 
      "create_time": 1410055451006, 
      "close_time": 1411351451006, 
      "subject": "Beatae blanditiis", 
      "description": "Et et provident beatae blanditiis quae recusandae rerum."
      "ticket_id": "21623876121", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "assignee_id": "45493", 
      "assignee_email": "", 
      "type": "problem", 
      "state": "open", 
      "priority": "normal", 
      "create_time": 1410055451006, 
      "close_time": null, 
      "subject": "Aspernatur saepe reiciendis", 
      "description": "Deserunt non nisi at commodi."
Retrieve deals
GET /accounts/{id}/deals
Returns an array of deals for the provided account ID. Pagination is supported.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
Default: create_time
noqueryField to order by
Default: desc
noquerySets the direction of sorting
noqueryZero indexed pagination
Example Response
  "current_page": 0, 
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "id": 1111, 
      "external_id": "EXTERNAL_1", 
      "name": "account_1 - Deal", 
      "description": "Deal description", 
      "product": "Fresh Product", 
      "amount": 999, 
      "stage": "New", 
      "owner_name": "Mr. Owner", 
      "owner_email": "", 
      "creator_name": "Mr. Creator", 
      "creator_email": "", 
      "create_time": 1602162785000, 
      "close_time": 1602162785000, 
      "expected_close_time": 1602162785000, 
      "pipeline": "Starting", 
      "source_created": "api", 
      "source": "api", 
      "external_sync_time": 1602162785000
      "account_id": "account_2", 
      "id": 2222, 
      "external_id": "EXTERNAL_2", 
      "name": "account_2 - Deal", 
      "description": "Deal description", 
      "product": "Fresh Product", 
      "amount": 999, 
      "stage": "New", 
      "owner_name": "Mr. Owner", 
      "owner_email": "", 
      "creator_name": "Mr. Creator", 
      "creator_email": "", 
      "create_time": 1602162785000, 
      "close_time": 1602162785000, 
      "expected_close_time": 1602162785000, 
      "pipeline": "Starting", 
      "source_created": "Freshsuccess", 
      "source": "Freshsuccess", 
      "external_sync_time": 1602162785000
Retrieve product users
GET /accounts/{id}/users
Returns an array of users for the provided account ID. Pagination is supported.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
Default: user_id
noqueryField to order by
Default: asc
noquerySets the direction of sorting
noqueryZero indexed pagination
Default: false
noqueryShow inactive/deleted account users
Example Response
  "current_page": 0, 
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "user_id": "user_1", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "first_name": "Abby", 
      "last_name": "Russel", 
      "contact_user_id": "crm_account_user_1", 
      "phone": "748-504-0993x3721", 
      "email": "", 
      "salutation": "Ms.", 
      "title": "Radiographer, diagnostic", 
      "role": "Business Manager", 
      "mailing_street": "924 Turcotte Creek", 
      "mailing_city": "Traceestad", 
      "mailing_state": "OR", 
      "mailing_postal_code": "77570", 
      "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
      "lead_source": "Google", 
      "product_join_date": 1397237259004, 
      "is_active": true, 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [
          "position": "Manager", 
          "source": "Api"
      "custom_value_dimensions": []
      "user_id": "user_2", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "first_name": "Alvan", 
      "last_name": "Barton", 
      "contact_user_id": "crm_account_user_2", 
      "phone": "(517)087-7826x071", 
      "email": "", 
      "salutation": "Dr.", 
      "title": "Aeronautical engineer", 
      "role": "Engineer", 
      "mailing_street": "13081 Marks Groves Apt. 603", 
      "mailing_city": "Shieldschester", 
      "mailing_state": "NJ", 
      "mailing_postal_code": "62032", 
      "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
      "lead_source": "Cold call", 
      "product_join_date": 1409079326465, 
      "is_active": true, 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [], 
      "custom_value_dimensions": []
Retrieve contacts
GET /accounts/{id}/contacts
Returns an array of contacts for the provided account ID. Pagination is supported.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
Default: user_id
noqueryField to order by
Default: asc
noquerySets the direction of sorting
noqueryZero indexed pagination
Default: false
noqueryShow inactive/deleted account users
Example Response
  "current_page": 0, 
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "user_id": "user_1", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "first_name": "Abby", 
      "last_name": "Russel", 
      "phone": "748-504-0993x3721", 
      "email": "", 
      "salutation": "Ms.", 
      "title": "Radiographer, diagnostic", 
      "role": "Business Manager", 
      "mailing_street": "924 Turcotte Creek", 
      "mailing_city": "Traceestad", 
      "mailing_state": "OR", 
      "mailing_postal_code": "77570", 
      "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
      "lead_source": "Google", 
      "is_primary": true, 
      "is_active": true, 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [
          "position": "Manager", 
          "source": "Api"
      "custom_value_dimensions": []
      "user_id": "user_2", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "first_name": "Alvan", 
      "last_name": "Barton", 
      "phone": "(517)087-7826x071", 
      "email": "", 
      "salutation": "Dr.", 
      "title": "Aeronautical engineer", 
      "role": "Engineer", 
      "mailing_street": "13081 Marks Groves Apt. 603", 
      "mailing_city": "Shieldschester", 
      "mailing_state": "NJ", 
      "mailing_postal_code": "62032", 
      "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
      "lead_source": "Cold call", 
      "is_primary": false, 
      "is_active": true, 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [], 
      "custom_value_dimensions": []
Delete an account
DELETE /accounts/{id}
Delete a single account by id. By default the account is deleted, if the query parameter 'churn=true' is provided the account is marked as churned. Optionally, an inactive time can be provided; defaults to current time. If an inactive_reason use the Bulk modify API (POST) or Single update API (PUT) operation instead.
NOTE: if the goal is to delete (or churn) multiple accounts please use the Bulk modify API and set the state property to 'deleted' or 'churned' repectfully; it is much more efficient than multiple back-to-back DELETE calls.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathPrimary account ID
noqueryIf set to true, then the account is marked as churned rather than deleted
noqueryTime account became inactive (deleted or churned); default, current time.
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true
Delete stage history
DELETE /accounts/{id}/stage_history/{name}/{timestamp}
Delete stages from account's stage history. Can delete all stages for an account, all stages for a name, or for a name and timestamp.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathPrimary account ID
nopathStage name; if provided deletes all stages with corresponding name from account
nopathTimestamp corresponding to stage start date; if provided with name; delete all entries with name, start date pair from account
Example Response
  "message": "Deleted: 1 stage history entries", 
  "status_is_ok": true
Delete dimension values
DELETE /accounts/{id}/dimension_values/{key}
Delete dimension values from account. Can delete all dimension values for an account, or all values under a key.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathPrimary account ID
nopathDimension value key; delete all entries with key.
Example Response
  "message": "Deleted: 1 dimension values", 
  "status_is_ok": true
Delete dimension labels
DELETE /accounts/{id}/dimension_labels/{key}
Delete dimension labels from account. Can delete all dimension labels for an account, or all labels under a key.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathPrimary account ID
nopathDimension label key; delete all entries with key.
Example Response
  "message": "Deleted: 1 dimension labels", 
  "status_is_ok": true
Delete assigned csm reps
DELETE /accounts/{id}/assigned_csms/{email}
Delete assigned csm reps from account. Can delete all csm reps for an account, or all mappings for a specific rep by email (email must be url encoded).
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathPrimary account ID
nopathRep email; delete all rep mappings for this rep.
Delete NPS history
DELETE /accounts/{id}/nps_history/{timestamp}
Delete Net promoter scores from account's NPS history. Can delete all scores for an account, or for an account and date.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathPrimary account ID
nopathTimestamp corresponding to NPS date
Example Response
  "message": "Deleted: 1 nps history entries", 
  "status_is_ok": true
Delete documents
DELETE /accounts/{id}/documents/{name}
Delete document URLs for the account. Can delete all document URLs for an account, or only an URL specified by name.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathPrimary account ID
nopathName of document
Example Response
  "message": "Deleted: 1 file urls", 
  "status_is_ok": true
Accounts Product Users
API to retrieve, add, modify, and remove product users. Each product account user is associated with a single account and identified by a unique product user id. Product users are users that have a login to your product. Their id must match your internal user id as used in your product (as sent in feature and module usage events). If the user is also present within your CRM, you can set the contact_user_id field.
Retrieve all product users
GET /account_users
Returns an array of product users. Pagination is supported.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
Default: user_id
noqueryField to order by
Default: asc
noquerySets the direction of sorting
noqueryZero indexed pagination
Default: false
noqueryShow inactive/deleted account users
Default: false
noqueryResult includes custom dimensions for each product user
Example Response
  "current_page": 0, 
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "user_id": "user_1", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "first_name": "Abby", 
      "last_name": "Russel", 
      "contact_user_id": "crm_account_user_1", 
      "phone": "748-504-0993x3721", 
      "email": "", 
      "salutation": "Ms.", 
      "title": "Radiographer, diagnostic", 
      "role": "Business Manager", 
      "mailing_street": "924 Turcotte Creek", 
      "mailing_city": "Traceestad", 
      "mailing_state": "OR", 
      "mailing_postal_code": "77570", 
      "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
      "lead_source": "Google", 
      "product_join_date": 1397237259004, 
      "is_active": true, 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [
          "position": "Manager", 
          "source": "Api"
      "custom_value_dimensions": []
      "user_id": "user_2", 
      "account_id": "account_2", 
      "first_name": "Alvan", 
      "last_name": "Barton", 
      "contact_user_id": "crm_account_user_2", 
      "phone": "(517)087-7826x071", 
      "email": "", 
      "salutation": "Dr.", 
      "title": "Aeronautical engineer", 
      "role": "Engineer", 
      "mailing_street": "13081 Marks Groves Apt. 603", 
      "mailing_city": "Shieldschester", 
      "mailing_state": "NJ", 
      "mailing_postal_code": "62032", 
      "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
      "lead_source": "Cold call", 
      "product_join_date": 1409079326465, 
      "is_active": true, 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [], 
      "custom_value_dimensions": []
Retrieve a product user
GET /account_users/{id}/{account_id}
Returns info for a single product user.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathPrimary product user ID
nopathIf the user ID is not globally unique, an account ID can be specified to uniquely identify user
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "user_id": "user_1", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "first_name": "Abby", 
      "last_name": "Russel", 
      "contact_user_id": "crm_account_user_1", 
      "phone": "748-504-0993x3721", 
      "email": "", 
      "salutation": "Ms.", 
      "title": "Radiographer, diagnostic", 
      "role": "Business manager", 
      "mailing_street": "924 Turcotte Creek", 
      "mailing_city": "Traceestad", 
      "mailing_state": "OR", 
      "mailing_postal_code": "77570", 
      "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
      "lead_source": "Google", 
      "product_join_date": 1397237259004, 
      "is_active": true, 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [
          "position": "Manager", 
          "source": "Api"
      "custom_value_dimensions": []
Bulk insert/modify users
POST /account_users
Insert or modify product users in bulk. Custom dimensions can be attached to users using the "dimensions" object.
Body Parameters
Insert / Modify
yes / yesAccount ID
yes / yesPrimary product user ID; unique across all accounts
no / noFirst name
no / noLast name
Default: insert: false
no / noIs user primary user for this account
epoch timestamp
Default: insert: current time
yes / noJoin date of user; first time seen on product
no / noMapping from user_id to contact/crm user ID; if product user is also a contact (present in CRM)
no / noPhone number
no / noEmail address
no / noGreeeting (e.g., Mr, Ms, Dr, etc)
no / noTitle of user (e.g., CEO, Customer Success Manager)
no / noRole of user (e.g., Decision Maker, Approver, Buyer)
no / noDepartment of user
no / noSource of lead for this user
no / noStreet address
no / noCity
no / noState name or code
no / noZip/postal code
no / noCountry name or code
no / noData source of record, e.g., CRM name, etc.
Default: insert: true
no / noIs the user active; default true (active)
Default: insert: false
no / noShould the user be excluded from any email campaign or trigger; default false (not excluded)
[ { key: string, 
    value: string } ]
no / noArray containing one or more key/value mappings of custom label dimensions. List is merged with any previously set label dimensions.
yes / yesName of custom label dimension
no / noValue of custom label dimension; if null will be set to null
[ { key: string,
    value: double } ]
no / noArray containing one or more key/value mappings of custom value dimensions. List is merged with any previously set value dimensions.
yes / yesName of custom value dimension
no / noValue of custom value dimension; if null will be set to null
[ { key: string,
    value: double } ]
no / noArray containing one or more key/value mappings of custom event dimensions. List is merged with any previously set value dimensions.
yes / yesName of custom value dimension
epoch timestamp
no / noValue of custom event dimension; timestamp in epoch ms; if null will be set to null
Example Request
  "records": [
      "user_id": "user_1", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "first_name": "Abby", 
      "last_name": "Russel", 
      "product_join_date": 1438210591739, 
      "contact_user_id": "crm_account_user_1", 
      "phone": "748-504-0993x3721", 
      "email": "", 
      "salutation": "Ms.", 
      "title": "Radiographer, diagnostic", 
      "mailing_street": "924 Turcotte Creek", 
      "mailing_city": "Traceestad", 
      "mailing_state": "OR", 
      "mailing_postal_code": "77570", 
      "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [
          "key": "name", 
          "value": "Manager"
          "key": "name", 
          "value": "Power User"
      "custom_value_dimensions": [
          "key": "reports", 
          "value": 11.0
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": false, 
  "failed_results": [
      "message": "Missing required field for insert: 'first_name'", 
      "status_is_ok": false, 
      "record": 1
Modify a product user
PUT /account_users/{id}
Modify an existing product user. See the POST request for JSON body parameters. The body should contain the user's account_id.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathPrimary product user ID
Example Request
  "data": {
    "user_id": "user_1", 
    "account_id": "account_1", 
    "first_name": "Abby", 
    "last_name": "Russel", 
    "contact_user_id": "crm_account_user_1", 
    "phone": "748-504-0993x3721", 
    "email": "", 
    "salutation": "Ms.", 
    "title": "Radiographer, diagnostic", 
    "lead_source": "web", 
    "mailing_street": "924 Turcotte Creek", 
    "mailing_city": "Traceestad", 
    "mailing_state": "OR", 
    "mailing_postal_code": "77570", 
    "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
    "product_join_date": 1397237259004, 
    "custom_label_dimensions": [
        "key": "position", 
        "value": "Manager"
    "custom_value_dimensions": [
        "key": "reports", 
        "value": 11.0
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true
Deactivate a product user
DELETE /account_users/{id}/{account_id}
Delete an account user. The account user is specified via the id parameter in the path. In some cases the id may only be unique within an account (not across accounts), in this case the account_id can be specified as well.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathAccount product user ID
nopathAccount ID
noqueryDelete specified dimension; key must be provided (must not be specified along with all_dimensions)
noqueryDelete all dimensions (must not be specified along with dimension)
Example Response
  "message": "Account User with user_id 'sample_id_1' was deactivated successfully", 
  "status_is_ok": true
Account Contacts
API to retrieve, add, modify, and remove CRM contacts. Each contact is associated with a single account and identified by a unique crm user id. Their id must match your internal crm user id as used by your CRM (if your CRM is synced to Freshsuccess).
Retrieve all contacts
GET /account_contacts
Returns an array of account contacts. Pagination is supported.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
Default: user_id
noqueryField to order by
Default: asc
noquerySets the direction of sorting
noqueryZero indexed pagination
Default: false
noqueryShow inactive/deleted account users
Default: false
noqueryResult includes custom dimensions for each account contacts
Example Response
  "current_page": 0, 
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "user_id": "crm_account_user_1", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "first_name": "Abby", 
      "last_name": "Russel", 
      "is_primary": true, 
      "phone": "748-504-0993x3721", 
      "email": "", 
      "salutation": "Ms.", 
      "title": "Radiographer, diagnostic", 
      "role": "Business Manager", 
      "mailing_street": "924 Turcotte Creek", 
      "mailing_city": "Traceestad", 
      "mailing_state": "OR", 
      "mailing_postal_code": "77570", 
      "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
      "lead_source": "Google", 
      "is_active": true, 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [
          "position": "Manager", 
          "source": "Api"
      "custom_value_dimensions": []
      "user_id": "crm_account_user_2", 
      "account_id": "account_2", 
      "first_name": "Alvan", 
      "last_name": "Barton", 
      "is_primary": false, 
      "phone": "(517)087-7826x071", 
      "email": "", 
      "salutation": "Dr.", 
      "title": "Aeronautical engineer", 
      "role": "Account Manager", 
      "mailing_street": "13081 Marks Groves Apt. 603", 
      "mailing_city": "Shieldschester", 
      "mailing_state": "NJ", 
      "mailing_postal_code": "62032", 
      "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
      "lead_source": "Cold call", 
      "is_active": true, 
      "custom_value_dimensions": [], 
      "custom_label_dimensions": []
Retrieve a contact
GET /account_contacts/{id}/{account_id}
Returns info for a single contact user.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathPrimary crm user ID
nopathIf the user ID is not globally unique, an account ID can be specified to uniquely identify user
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "user_id": "crm_account_user_1", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "first_name": "Abby", 
      "last_name": "Russel", 
      "is_primary": true, 
      "phone": "748-504-0993x3721", 
      "email": "", 
      "salutation": "Ms.", 
      "title": "Radiographer, diagnostic", 
      "role": "Business Manager", 
      "mailing_street": "924 Turcotte Creek", 
      "mailing_city": "Traceestad", 
      "mailing_state": "OR", 
      "mailing_postal_code": "77570", 
      "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
      "lead_source": "Google", 
      "is_active": true, 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [
          "position": "Manager", 
          "source": "Api"
      "custom_value_dimensions": []
Bulk insert/modify contacts
POST /account_contacts
Insert or modify account contacts in bulk. Custom dimensions can be attached to contacts using the "dimensions" object. Custom dimension source cannot be modified. The body should contain the user's account_id.
Body Parameters
Insert / Modify
yes / yesAccount ID
yes / yesCRM ID of contact (or contact's id if no CRM in use)
no / noFirst name
no / noLast name
Default: insert: false
no / noIs user primary contact for this account
no / noPhone number
no / noEmail address
no / noGreeeting (e.g., Mr, Ms, Dr, etc)
no / noTitle of user (e.g., CEO, Customer Success Manager)
no / noRole of user (e.g., Decision Maker, Approver, Buyer)
no / noDepartment of user
no / noSource of lead for this user
no / noStreet address
no / noCity
no / noState name or code
no / noZip/postal code
no / noCountry name or code
no / noData source of record, e.g., CRM name, etc.
Default: insert: true
no / noIs the user active; default true (active)
Default: insert: false
no / noShould the user be excluded from any email campaign or trigger; default false (not excluded)
[ { key: string, 
    value: string } ]
no / noArray containing one or more key/value mappings of custom label dimensions. List is merged with any previously set label dimensions.
yes / yesName of custom label dimension
yes / yesValue of custom label dimension
[ { key: string,
    value: double } ]
no / noArray containing one or more key/value mappings of custom value dimensions. List is merged with any previously set value dimensions.
yes / yesName of custom value dimension
yes / yesValue of custom value dimension
[ { key: string,
    value: double } ]
no / noArray containing one or more key/value mappings of custom event dimensions. List is merged with any previously set value dimensions.
yes / yesName of custom value dimension
epoch timestamp
yes / yesValue of custom event dimension; timestamp in epoch ms
Example Request
  "records": [
      "user_id": "crm_account_user_1", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "first_name": "Abby", 
      "last_name": "Russel", 
      "is_primary": true, 
      "phone": "748-504-0993x3721", 
      "email": "", 
      "salutation": "Ms.", 
      "title": "Radiographer, diagnostic", 
      "mailing_street": "924 Turcotte Creek", 
      "mailing_city": "Traceestad", 
      "mailing_state": "OR", 
      "mailing_postal_code": "77570", 
      "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [
          "key": "position", 
          "value": "Manager"
      "custom_value_dimensions": [
          "key": "reports", 
          "value": 11.0
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": false, 
  "failed_results": [
      "message": "'is_primary' must be boolean", 
      "status_is_ok": false, 
      "record": 1
Modify a contact
PUT /account_contacts/{id}
Modify an existing account contact. See the POST request for JSON body parameters. The body should contain the user's account_id.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathPrimary account contact ID
Example Request
  "data": {
    "user_id": "crm_account_user_1", 
    "account_id": "account_1", 
    "first_name": "Abby", 
    "last_name": "Russel", 
    "is_primary": true, 
    "phone": "748-504-0993x3721", 
    "email": "", 
    "salutation": "Ms.", 
    "title": "Radiographer, diagnostic", 
    "lead_source": "web", 
    "mailing_street": "924 Turcotte Creek", 
    "mailing_city": "Traceestad", 
    "mailing_state": "OR", 
    "mailing_postal_code": "77570", 
    "mailing_country": "United States of America", 
    "custom_label_dimensions": [
        "key": "position", 
        "value": "Manager"
    "custom_value_dimensions": [
        "key": "reports", 
        "value": 11.0
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true
Deactivate a contact
DELETE /account_contacts/{id}/{account_id}
Delete an account contact. The account user is specified via the id parameter in the path. In some cases the id may only be unique within an account (not across accounts), in this case the account_id can be specified as well.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathAccount crm user ID
nopathIf the user ID is not globally unique, an account ID can be specified to uniquely identify user
noqueryDelete specified dimension; key must be provided (must not be specified along with all_dimensions)
noqueryDelete all dimensions (must not be specified along with dimension)
Example Response
  "message": "Account User with user_id 'sample_id_1' was deactivated successfully", 
  "status_is_ok": true
Custom Metrics
API to retrieve, add, modify and remove custom account metrics. Custom account metrics are identified by a unique name and contain a list of timestamp and value pairs.
Retrieve a metric by name
GET /metrics/{name}
Returns list of metric data points for all accounts by an individual metric
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathMetric name
Default: asc
noquerySets the direction of sorting by timestamp value
noqueryZero indexed pagination
noqueryFilter by product account ID
Example Response
  "order_by": "timestamp", 
  "direction": "asc", 
  "results": [
      "account_id": "2", 
      "chocolate_bars_consumption": [
          "timestamp": 1312685594018, 
          "value": 3
          "timestamp": 1312623494011, 
          "value": 10
      "account_id": "5", 
      "chocolate_bars_consumption": [
          "timestamp": 1312685594018, 
          "value": 7
          "timestamp": 1312623494011, 
          "value": 22
  "current_page": 0, 
  "max_page_size": 1000, 
  "status_is_ok": true
Bulk insert/modify metrics
POST /metrics
Insert or modify custom metrics in bulk. The body should contain the user's account_id.
Body Parameters
Insert / Modify
yes / yesAccount ID
yes / yesMetric name
[ { timestamp: long,
    value: double } ]
yes / yesArray of objects containing timestamps and their associated values.
epoch milliseconds
yes / yesTimestamp of metric
yes / yesValue of metric.
Example Request
  "records": [
      "name": "chocolate_bars_consumption", 
      "account_id": "2", 
      "metrics": [
          "timestamp": 1312685594018, 
          "value": 3
          "timestamp": 1312623494011, 
          "value": 10
      "name": "hazelnut_consumption", 
      "account_id": "5", 
      "metrics": [
          "timestamp": 1312685594018, 
          "value": 7
          "timestamp": 1312623494011, 
          "value": 22
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "failed_results": []
Modify a metric
PUT /metrics/{name}
Modify/add metric values for an existing metric name. See the POST request for JSON body parameters. The body should contain the user's account_id.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathMetric name
Example Request
  "data": {
    "name": "chocolate_bars_consumption", 
    "account_id": "2", 
    "metrics": [
        "timestamp": 1312685594018, 
        "value": 3
        "timestamp": 1312623494011, 
        "value": 10
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true
Delete a metric
DELETE /metrics/{name}
Delete a custom metric
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathMetric name
noqueryFilter by product account ID; delete only those matching filter
Example Response
  "message": "Account metrics with name 'sample_metric_1' were deleted successfully", 
  "status_is_ok": true
API to retrieve, add, modify and remove subscription plan entries. Subscriptions identify the plan an account is on. An account's subscription plan may change over time. As the subscription plan changes, this API can be used to update the accounts current subscription. The monthly recurring revenue (MRR) for each account is calculated based on the sum of MRR derived from each of the account's current subscription. Specifically, MRR is calculated by taking the total_revenue and dividing it by the number of months represented by the cycle_length * the cycle_unit (as specified in the subscription insert/update record). Renewal events are also extracted from the subscription history. All revenue is reported in cents and must be provided in cents.
Retrieve subscriptions
GET /subscriptions
Returns the current state of all subscription plan entries. All revenue is reported in cents. Pagination is supported. The retrieved list is ordered by account_id and subscription_id, by default.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
Default: start_date
noqueryField to order by
Default: asc
noquerySets the direction of sorting
noqueryZero indexed pagination
Example Response
  "current_page": 0, 
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "subscription_id": "subscription_1", 
      "account_id": "1", 
      "records": [
          "start_date": 1392566436543, 
          "end_date": null, 
          "is_end": false, 
          "is_renewal": false, 
          "expiration_date": 1437996422070, 
          "plan_code": "plan_1", 
          "total_revenue": 188595, 
          "cycle_unit": "month", 
          "cycle_length": 3
      "subscription_id": "subscription_2", 
      "account_id": "2", 
      "records": [
          "start_date": 1395158436543, 
          "end_date": 1397750436543, 
          "is_end": true, 
          "is_renewal": false, 
          "expiration_date": null, 
          "plan_code": "plan_2", 
          "revenue": 818019, 
          "cycle_unit": "day", 
          "cycle_length": 45
Retrieve a subscription
GET /subscriptions/{id}
Returns an individual subscription. All revenue is reported in cents. By default only the current state of the subscription is returned. To see the history for a specific account, see the GET /accounts/{id}/subscription api.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathSubscription ID
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "subscription_id": "subscription_2", 
      "account_id": "2", 
      "records": [
          "start_date": 1395158436543, 
          "end_date": null, 
          "is_end": false, 
          "is_renewal": true, 
          "expiration_date": 1447799926555, 
          "plan_code": "plan_2", 
          "total_revenue": 818019, 
          "cycle_unit": "day", 
          "cycle_length": 45
Bulk insert/modify subscriptions
POST /subscriptions
Insert or modify subscription plan entries in bulk. The body should contain the user's account_id. The subscription plans are used to calculate monthly recurring revenue (MRR) as well as renewals and renewal rates. MRR is classified as either new (if no revenue for account has been seen before), expansion (if total MRR increases), contraction (if total MRR decreases), churn (if a subscription ends or decreases to zero revenue). All revenue must be entered in cents and is reported in cents.

Subscriptions may go through changes over their lifetimes (e.g., the price of a subscription may change over time, or a subscription may be renewed, etc). The subscription API is event based. Each record indicates that the subscription has changed in some way and alters the history of that subscription.

The API supports three types of events: 'revenue'', 'end' and 'current' events. A 'revenue' event indicates that a change of revenue has occured (or a new subscription has started). A change of revenue may accompany the renewal (but need not be otherwise specified). An 'end' event indicates that the subscription has ended. A 'current' event, is for situations where the changes in subscription are unknown to the caller. Instead, the caller provides a snapshot of the current state of the subscription and Freshsuccess will identify the differences from the previous state of the subscription and apply them accordingly. Details on constructing 'current' events are given below.

In addition to the event type, each record contains an effective date range. The changes described in the record are applied to this time range, overriding any existing history that previously existed within this time range. The date range may be open-ended (if the 'effective_end_date' is omitted, or closed, if it is provided); however, if the 'end' event is specified, only an 'effective_start_date' is necessary (the end date is ignored).

Upcoming renewals are tracked via the 'next_renewal_date' field which indicates the starting date of the next renewal; the 'next_renewal_date' may be specified on any record. If the 'previous_renewal_date' is specified within the renewal record, the renewal event is associated with the renewal at that time period (the 'previous_renewal_date' must match a prior 'next_renewal_date' field). Otherwise, the renewal is associated with the earliest 'next_renewal_date' that has not yet been associated with a renewal.

As mentioned above, because 'current' events are a snapshot of the current state of the subscription, the date parameters have different uses from the other event types. The 'effective_start_date' is the absolute start date of this subscription. Similarly, the 'effective_end_date' is also the absolute end date of this subscription. If an 'effective_end_date' is provided, Freshsuccess will assume that the subscription has ended at the provided date. Finally, because Freshsuccess will automatically notice changes in 'next_renewal_date', you never specify 'previous_renewal_date'. The renewal will always be applied to the prior renewal date. All changes in the subscription provided through 'current' events will be applied as of the start of the current day. As such, if you want to make historical changes to the subscription, you must do so using the other event types.
Body Parameters
Insert / Modify
yes / yesAccount ID
yes / yesSubscription ID; unique across all account subscriptions for given time range. Same subscription ID may be used for non-overlapping start/end dates to indicate a renewal/extension of an existing subscription.
epoch milliseconds
yes / yesDate at which subscription changes became effective; inclusive of end date.
To specify a time range over which this change is effective, specify both the change start and change end dates; the range is defined by: start_date >= range < end_date.
All existing events that occur during this timeframe will be overwritten.
Note that in the case of 'current' events, this should be the date at which the subscription was actually started.
epoch milliseconds
no / noDate at which subscription changes are no longer effective; exclusive of end date (useful for changing subscription history).
If omitted, change is assumed to still be in effect and all pre-existing records ending after the 'effective_start_date' will be ended or removed depending on their start date.
Note that in the case of 'current' events, this should be date at which the subscription was actually ended and should not be provided if the subscription has not ended.
Choices: end, renewal, revenue, current
yes / yesEvent that occured at the effective start date: end - plan ended; revenue - revenue changed (or start of new subscription); current - record reflects current state of the subscription (see description above).
On an 'end' event only the 'effective_start_date' should be specified indicating the time at which the end event occured. The 'effective_end_date', 'total_revenue', 'cycle_unit', and 'cycle_length' are ignored if specified.
required if event not 'end'
yes / yesTotal revenue for plan over period represented by 'cycle unit' and 'cycle length'. It must include precalculated addons, discounts, etc. In cents. MRR is calculated by dividing total_revenue by the number of months represented by (cycle_unit * cycle_length).
required if event not 'end'
Choices: day, month, year
yes / yesThe amount of time per cycle unit: day, month, year. Used to convert total revenue to monthly revenue.
required if event not 'end'
yes / yesThe number of cycle units for this plan
epoch milliseconds
no / noStart date of next renewal. May be specified with either 'revenue' or 'current' events.
no / noShort name/id of plan
no / noData source for subscription record
no / noUrl associated with subscription in remote system
[ { key: string, 
    value: string } ]
no / noArray containing one or more key/value mappings of custom subscription dimensions. List is merged with any previously set subscription dimensions.
yes / yesName of custom subscription dimension
no / noTextual value of custom subscription dimension; if null will be set to null
Modify a subscription
PUT /subscriptions/{id}
Modify an existing subscription. See the POST request for JSON body parameters. The body should contain the user's account_id.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathSubscription ID
Example Request
  "data": {
    "subscription_id": "subscription_2", 
    "account_id": "2", 
    "effective_start_date": 1395158436543, 
    "end_date": 1397750436543
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true
Delete a subscription
DELETE /subscriptions/{id}
Delete a subscription by ID. Optionally limit deletion to based on start date (?start_time=timestamp).
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathSubscription ID to delete.
noqueryOptional, start date of the entries which are greater than or equal to this timestamp are to be deleted.
noqueryOptional, start date of the entries which are less than or equal to this timestamp are to be deleted. Note: To be used along with start_time only(to define a range) and not individually.
Example Response
  "message": "Subscription entry deleted", 
  "status_is_ok": true
Invoice Statements
API to retrieve, add, modify, and remove invoice statements associated with accounts. Similar to subscriptions, a history of invoices is maintained. All revenue must be reported in cents and is retrieved in cents.
Retrieve an invoice
GET /statements/{id}
Returns info for an individual invoice statement. All revenue is reported in cents. Pagination is supported.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathInvoice ID
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "account_id": "1", 
      "invoice_id": "invoice-1", 
      "start_date": 1411351451006, 
      "paid_date": 1412647451006, 
      "is_failed": false, 
      "recurring": 70552, 
      "non_recurring": 73196, 
      "line_items": [
          "amount": 23322, 
          "is_recurring": true, 
          "description": "Consequuntur omnis ut est porro est molestias nostrum."
          "amount": 73196, 
          "is_recurring": false, 
          "description": "Dolorum et placeat similique suscipit perferendis."
          "amount": 47230, 
          "is_recurring": true, 
          "description": "Explicabo eos rerum quia et."
Bulk insert/modify invoices
POST /statements
Insert/modify invoice statements in bulk. The body should contain the user's account_id.

Invoices can contain two sub-elements: line items and transactions. Line items record details about the invoice. Transactions are used to record split-payments. Invoices may contain both recurring and/or non-recurring revenue. If not set in the base invoice, and if line items are present, then the invoice's recurring/non-recurring revenue amounts are set by summing up the relevant field within the line items. An invoice may or may not have been paid. If a paid date is set, the paid amount is calculated as the sum of the recurring and non-recurring revenue; however, if any transactions exist for the invoice, then the paid amount is set to the sum of the transactions.

A split payment has the same invoice ID, start date, and recurring/non-recurring revenue amounts, but have different transaction IDs and may have different paid dates and paid amounts. If an invoice is paid in full, there is no need to add transactions; just set the paid date to the date of payment. If transactions are present, they will override the base invoice's paid amount.

All existing line items related to an invoice are replaced whenever an invoice update contains any line items. Existing line items, based on matching account_id and invoice_id, are replaced with the line items present in the update. If no line items are present, then no changes are made to the line items.

Unlike line item updates, transactions are not replaced wholesale (since they may occur at different points in time). If a transaction is present within an invoice update, then it will replace any transaction with matching account_id, invoice_id, tx_id fields.

Body Parameters
Insert / Modify
yes / yesAccount ID
yes / yesInvoice ID; unique across invoices of all accounts
epoch milliseconds
yes / noTime at which the charges were created (For modify, one of the start_date or paid_date must be given)
epoch milliseconds
no / noTime at which invoice was paid; if transactions are present, this field is set to null (For modify, one of the start_date or paid_date must be given)
epoch milliseconds
no / noTime at which invoice is due
Default: insert: false
no / noTrue if revenue collection was unsuccessful
no / noTotal recurring revenue for this invoice. If not provided, the sum of all recurring line items is used instead. If paid date is non-null, and no transactions are present, then the recurring and non-recurring revenue fields are summed as the payment amount.
no / noTotal non-recurring revenue for this invoice. If not provided, the sum of all non-recurring line items is used. If paid date is non-null, and no transactions are present, then the recurring and non-recurring revenue fields are summed as the payment amount.
{ tx_id: string,
  paid_amount: long,
  paid_date: long }
no / noList of payment transactions.
Can be used to support split payments -- where payments of different amounts occur on different dates.
yes / yesTransaction id; identifies the split payment
yes / yesTotal payment for this invoice transaction in cents
yes / yesPayment date for this transaction
{ amount: long,
  is_recurring: boolean,
  description: string }
no / noList of invoice line items.
If any line items are present in record, ALL old line items are removed and the new line items are inserted. To preserve old line item entries, they must be reinserted with every update.
If no line items are present in record, no existing line items are altered or deleted.
yes / yesAmount of line item in cents
yes / yesIs this line item recurring
no / noDescription of the line item
no / noData source for invoice statement record
Example Request
  "records": [
      "account_id": "1", 
      "invoice_id": "invoice-0", 
      "non_recurring": 45493, 
      "start_date": 1410055451006, 
      "paid_date": 1411351451006, 
      "is_failed": false, 
      "line_items": [
          "amount": 45493, 
          "is_recurring": false, 
          "description": "Et et provident beatae blanditiis quae recusandae rerum."
      "account_id": "1", 
      "invoice_id": "invoice-1", 
      "start_date": 1411351451006, 
      "paid_date": 1412647451006, 
      "is_failed": false, 
      "recurring": 70552, 
      "non_recurring": 73196, 
      "line_items": [
          "amount": 23322, 
          "is_recurring": true, 
          "description": "Consequuntur omnis ut est porro est molestias nostrum."
          "amount": 73196, 
          "is_recurring": false, 
          "description": "Dolorum et placeat similique suscipit perferendis."
          "amount": 47230, 
          "is_recurring": true, 
          "description": "Explicabo eos rerum quia et."
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": false, 
  "failed_results": [
      "message": "'is_failed' value must be a boolean", 
      "status_is_ok": false, 
      "record": 2
Modify an invoice
PUT /statements/{id}
Modify an existing invoice statement. See the POST request for JSON body parameters. The body should contain the user's account_id.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathInvoice ID
Example Request
  "data": {
    "account_id": "1", 
    "invoice_id": "invoice-1", 
    "start_date": 1411351451006, 
    "paid_date": 1412647451006, 
    "is_failed": false, 
    "recurring": 70552, 
    "non_recurring": 73196, 
    "line_items": [
        "amount": 23322, 
        "is_recurring": true, 
        "description": "Consequuntur omnis ut est porro est molestias nostrum."
        "amount": 73196, 
        "is_recurring": false, 
        "description": "Dolorum et placeat similique suscipit perferendis."
        "amount": 47230, 
        "is_recurring": true, 
        "description": "Explicabo eos rerum quia et."
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true
Delete an invoice
DELETE /statements/{id}
Delete an invoice statement
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathInvoice ID
Example Response
  "message": "Statement with invoice_id 'sample_invoice_1' was deleted successfully", 
  "status_is_ok": true
Support Tickets
API to retrieve, add, modify and remove support tickets associated with an account. This API can be used in lieu of integrating with a 3rd party support system to track support tickets at the account level.
Retrieve all tickets
GET /support_tickets
Returns details for all support ticket
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
Default: false
noqueryResult includes custom dimensions for support ticket
Example Response
  "current_page": 0, 
  "max_page_size": 1000, 
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "ticket_id": "21623876121", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "assignee_id": "45493", 
      "assignee_email": "", 
      "type": "problem", 
      "state": "open", 
      "priority": "normal", 
      "create_time": 1410055451006, 
      "close_time": null, 
      "subject": "Aspernatur saepe reiciendis", 
      "description": "Deserunt non nisi at commodi.", 
      "custom_label_dimensions": {
        "User Type": "internal"
      "custom_value_dimensions": {
        "No Of Query": 4.0
      "custom_event_dimensions": {
        "Last Reference Date": 1410055461006
      "ticket_id": "21623876122", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "assignee_id": "45493", 
      "assignee_email": "", 
      "type": "problem", 
      "state": "open", 
      "priority": "normal", 
      "create_time": 1410055451006, 
      "close_time": null, 
      "subject": "Aspernatur saepe reiciendis", 
      "description": "Deserunt non nisi at commodi.", 
      "custom_label_dimensions": {
        "User Type": "internal"
      "custom_value_dimensions": {
        "No Of Query": 4.0
      "custom_event_dimensions": {
        "Last Reference Date": 1410055461006
Retrieve a ticket
GET /support_tickets/{ticket_id}
Returns info for an individual support ticket
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathTicket ID from support system
Default: false
noqueryResult includes custom dimensions for support ticket
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "ticket_id": "21623876121", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "assignee_id": "45493", 
      "assignee_email": "", 
      "type": "problem", 
      "state": "open", 
      "priority": "normal", 
      "create_time": 1410055451006, 
      "close_time": null, 
      "subject": "Aspernatur saepe reiciendis", 
      "description": "Deserunt non nisi at commodi.", 
      "custom_label_dimensions": {
        "User Type": "internal"
      "custom_value_dimensions": {
        "No Of Query": 4.0
      "custom_event_dimensions": {
        "Last Reference Date": 1410055461006
Bulk insert/modify tickets
POST /support_tickets
Insert/modify support tickets in bulk. Pagination is supported. The body should contain the user's account_id.
Body Parameters
Insert / Modify
yes / yesTicket ID from support system
yes / yesAccount ID of ticket requester
yes / noTicket state; e.g., open, closed, solved, pending
yes / noTicket subject
epoch milliseconds
yes / noTime at which the ticket was created
no / noTicket type; e.g.: problem, incident, question, task
epoch milliseconds
no / noTime at which the ticket was closed
no / noTicket priority; e.g., high, low, normal, urgent
no / noID of ticket assignee in support system
no / noEmail of ticket assignee in support system
no / noDescription of ticket
no / noData source for record, e.g., CRM, etc.
no / noCustomer satisfaction textual label, e.g., statisifed, unhappy
no / noCustomer satisfaction numeric value
epoch milliseconds
no / noTime at which ticket as last updated
no / noIf set to true, support ticket identified by ticket_id is permanently deleted
no / noClickable URL to link to support ticket ID in the UI
[ { key: string, 
    value: string } ]
no / noArray containing one or more key/value mappings of custom label dimensions. List is merged with any previously set label dimensions.
yes / yesName of custom label dimension
yes / yesValue of custom label dimension
[ { key: string,
    value: double } ]
no / noArray containing one or more key/value mappings of custom value dimensions. List is merged with any previously set value dimensions.
yes / yesName of custom value dimension
yes / yesValue of custom value dimension
[ { key: string,
    value: double } ]
no / noArray containing one or more key/value mappings of custom event dimensions. List is merged with any previously set value dimensions.
yes / yesName of custom value dimension
epoch timestamp
yes / yesValue of custom event dimension; timestamp in epoch ms
Example Request
  "records": [
      "ticket_id": "21623876183", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "assignee_id": "45493", 
      "assignee_email": "", 
      "type": "problem", 
      "state": "closed", 
      "priority": "normal", 
      "create_time": 1410055451006, 
      "close_time": 1411351451006, 
      "subject": "Beatae blanditiis", 
      "description": "Et et provident beatae blanditiis quae recusandae rerum.", 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [
          "key": "User Type", 
          "value": "internal"
      "custom_event_dimensions": [
          "key": "Last Reference Date", 
          "value": 1410055461006
      "ticket_id": "21623876121", 
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "assignee_id": "45493", 
      "assignee_email": "", 
      "type": "problem", 
      "state": "open", 
      "priority": "normal", 
      "create_time": 1410055451006, 
      "close_time": null, 
      "subject": "Aspernatur saepe reiciendis", 
      "description": "Deserunt non nisi at commodi.", 
      "custom_label_dimensions": [
          "key": "User Type", 
          "value": "internal"
      "custom_value_dimensions": [
          "key": "No Of Query", 
          "value": 4
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": false, 
  "failed_results": [
      "message": "'create_time' value must be a Long", 
      "status_is_ok": false, 
      "record": 2
Modify a ticket
PUT /support_tickets/{ticket_id}
Modify an existing support ticket. See the POST request for the JSON body parameters. The body should contain the user's account_id.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathTicket ID from support system
Example Request
  "data": {
    "ticket_id": "21623876183", 
    "account_id": "account_1", 
    "assignee_id": "45493", 
    "assignee_email": "", 
    "type": "problem", 
    "state": "closed", 
    "priority": "normal", 
    "create_time": 1410055451006, 
    "close_time": 1411351451006, 
    "subject": "Beatae blanditiis", 
    "description": "Et et provident beatae blanditiis quae recusandae rerum.", 
    "custom_label_dimensions": [
        "key": "User Type", 
        "value": "external"
Example Response
  "status_is_ok": true
Delete a ticket
DELETE /support_tickets/{ticket_id}
Delete a support ticket
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
yespathTicket ID from support system
Example Response
  "message": "Ticket with id '10' was deleted successfully", 
  "status_is_ok": true
API to retrieve and add customer related interactions. Interactions may contain the contents of emails, phone calls, or other customer related discussions. Interactions (similar to Notes) are different from other objects within Freshsuccess, as some are generated solely within the Freshsuccess product and others are not. As such, interactions generated within Freshsuccess are associated with an internal ID (or just ID) and those generated externally have an external_id. The Interaction APIs allow for access via both of these IDs, as well, the external_id can be set on internally generated interactions via a PUT or POST call.
Retrieve an interaction
GET /interactions, /interactions/external_id, /interactions/{id}, /interactions/external_id/{external_id}
Retrieves either a single or a set of interactions. GET /interactions returns all interactions; GET /interactions/{id} returns a single interaction matching the specified Freshsuccess Internal ID. GET /interactions/external_id/ returns all interactions with NO external_id; GET /interactions/external_id/{id} returns a single interaction matching the specified external ID. All GET queries can be further filtered using the query parameters below (create_time filters by creation time, and account_id filters by account ID).
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
nopathFreshsuccess internal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
nopathExternal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
noqueryAccount ID filter; return all interactions matching account_id
noqueryCreate time filter; return all interactions with a create time that is greater or equal
noqueryModify time filter; return all interactions with a modify time that is greater or equal
Bulk insert/modify interactions
POST /interactions
Insert/modify interactions in bulk. Pagination is supported. The body should contain the user's account_id.
Body Parameters
Insert / Modify
no / noFreshsuccess internal ID (For modify, one of id or external_id must be given)
no / noExternal ID (For modify, one of id or external_id must be given)
yes / yesAccount ID
yes / noType of interaction (e.g., email, in-person, phone, etc)
epoch milliseconds
Default: insert: current time
yes / noTime that interaction was created
no / noEmail address of rep that communicated with customer
no / noFirst name of rep that communicated with customer
no / noLast name of rep that communicated with customer
no / noCustomer contact (CRM) user ID
no / noCustomer contact name or email (if no CRM user ID specified)
no / noDetails of the interaction (message body)
no / noSubject of the interaction
no / noSource of last modification for the interaction (e.g., Salesforce, Intercom, etc). Source cannot be updated after insertion.
Default: false
no / noIs the interaction in html (true) or plain text (false)
Modify an interaction
PUT /interactions/{id}, /interactions/external_id/{external_id}
Insert/modify an interaction. See the POST request for the JSON body parameters. The body should contain the user's account_id.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
nopathFreshsuccess internal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
nopathExternal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
Delete an interaction
DELETE /interactions/{id}, /interactions/external_id/{external_id}
Delete an interaction either by internal or external ID.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
nopathFreshsuccess internal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
nopathExternal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
API to retrieve and add customer related notes. Notes may contain internal discussions, or record any type of information related to a specific account. Notes are similar to notes in that they are different from other objects within Freshsuccess, as some are generated solely within the Freshsuccess product and others are not. As such, notes generated within Freshsuccess are associated with an internal ID (or just ID) and those generated externally have an external_id. The Note APIs allow for access via both of these IDs, as well, the external_id can be set on internally generated notes via a PUT or POST call.
Retrieve a note
GET /notes, /notes/external_id, /notes/{id}, /notes/external_id/{external_id}
Retrieves either a single or a set of notes. GET /notes returns all notes; GET /notes/{id} returns a single note matching the specified Freshsuccess Internal ID. GET /notes/external_id/ returns all notes with NO external_id; GET /notes/external_id/{id} returns a single note matching the specified external ID. All GET queries can be further filtered using the query parameters below (create_time filters by creation time, and account_id filters by account ID).
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
nopathFreshsuccess internal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
nopathExternal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
noqueryAccount ID filter; return all notes matching account_id
noqueryCreate time filter; return all notes with a create time that is greater or equal
noqueryModify time filter; return all notes with a modify time that is greater or equal
Bulk insert/modify notes
POST /notes
Insert/modify notes in bulk. Pagination is supported. The body should contain the user's account_id.
Body Parameters
Insert / Modify
no / noFreshsuccess internal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
no / noExternal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
yes / yesAccount ID
epoch milliseconds
Default: insert: current time
yes / noTime that note was created
no / no updateEmail address of rep that created/modified the note. The email address and the associated name cannot be modified.
no / noFirst name of the person who created/modified the note (automatically filled in when rep_email is specified)
no / noLast name of the person who created/modified the note (automatically filled in when rep_email is specified)
yes / noContents of the note
no / noSubject of the note
no / noSource of last modification for the interaction (e.g., Salesforce, Intercom, etc)
no / noIs the note in html format?
Modify a note
PUT /notes/{id}, /notes/external_id/{external_id}
Modify an existing note by either the internal or external ID. See the POST request for the JSON body parameters. The body should contain the user's account_id.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
nopathFreshsuccess internal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
nopathExternal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
Delete a note
DELETE /notes/{id}, /notes/external_id/{external_id}
Delete an note either by internal or external ID.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
nopathFreshsuccess internal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
nopathExternal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
API to retrieve goals. Goals can be deployed within Freshsuccess to each account and may be deployed more than once to each account. Each goal is compromised of a set of tasks. This API allows you to list the status of goals and their respective tasks. This API does not currently allow for modification of goals or tasks.
Retrieve goals
GET /goals, /goals/{id}
Retrieves either a single or a set of goals. GET /goals returns all goals, optionally filtered by account_id, start_time or close_time (the filters must be specified by the appropriate query parameter) or sorted by start_time or close_time (using order_by=param); GET /goals/{id} returns a single goal matching the specified Freshsuccess Internal ID.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
nopathFreshsuccess internal goal ID
noqueryAccount ID filter; return all goals matching account_id
noqueryStart date time filter; return all goals with a start date that is greater or equal
noqueryCompletion date filter; return all goals with a completion time that is greater or equal
noqueryInclude one or more pieces of extra information about the goals. If more than one choice is provided the choices must be separated by a comma. Choices include: custom_value_dimensions, custom_label_dimensions, custom_event_dimensions.
Example Response
List all goals (/goals)
  "order_by": "start_date", 
  "direction": "desc", 
  "results": [
      "account_id": "BFR5765BG67", 
      "completion_date": 1513346334033, 
      "was_auto_deployed": false, 
      "goal_id": 0, 
      "goal_name": "New Customer Onboarding", 
      "goal_template_id": 1, 
      "create_date": 1509141817000, 
      "start_date": 1509141817000, 
      "target_date": 1513461817000, 
      "target_days_due": 50, 
      "due_date": 1513461817000, 
      "status": "Completed", 
      "tasks": [
          "completion_date": 1510894389523, 
          "taske_name": "Data Integration", 
          "create_date": 1509141817000, 
          "start_date": 1509141817000, 
          "task_id": 413, 
          "target_days_due": 20, 
          "status": "Completed"
          "completion_date": 1511304325311, 
          "task_name": "Kick-off Meeting", 
          "create_date": 1510894389523, 
          "start_date": 1510894389523, 
          "task_id": 303, 
          "target_days_due": 5, 
          "status": "Completed"
          "completion_date": 1512847450707, 
          "task_name": "Product Training", 
          "create_date": 1511304325311, 
          "start_date": 1511304325311, 
          "task_id": 304, 
          "target_days_due": 20, 
          "status": "Completed"
          "completion_date": 1513346334033, 
          "taske_name": "Business Review", 
          "create_date": 1512847450707, 
          "start_date": 1512847450707, 
          "task_id": 305, 
          "target_days_due": 5, 
          "status": "Completed"
      "tasks_total": 4, 
      "tasks_completed": 4, 
      "custom_value_dimensions": {
        "custom_goal_numeric_field": 200.0
      "custom_label_dimensions": {
        "custom_goal_text_field": "String"
      "custom_event_dimensions": {
        "custom_goal_date_field": 1577836800000
      "account_id": "BFR5765BG78", 
      "completion_date": null, 
      "was_auto_deployed": false, 
      "goal_id": 20, 
      "goal_name": "Tier 1 QBR", 
      "goal_template_id": 2, 
      "create_date": 1509401017000, 
      "start_date": 1509401017000, 
      "target_date": 1510697017000, 
      "target_days_due": 15, 
      "due_date": 1513461817000, 
      "status": "In progress", 
      "tasks": [
          "completion_date": 1509792926807, 
          "task_name": "Prepare for QBR", 
          "create_date": 1509401017000, 
          "start_date": 1509401017000, 
          "task_id": 430, 
          "target_days_due": 5, 
          "status": "Completed"
          "completion_date": 1510126722684, 
          "task_name": "QBR Meeting", 
          "create_date": 1509792926807, 
          "start_date": 1509792926807, 
          "task_id": 357, 
          "target_days_due": 5, 
          "status": "Completed"
          "completion_date": null, 
          "task_name": "Post QBR", 
          "create_date": 1510126722684, 
          "start_date": 1510126722684, 
          "task_id": 358, 
          "target_days_due": 5, 
          "status": "In progress"
      "tasks_total": 3, 
      "tasks_completed": 2, 
      "custom_value_dimensions": {
        "custom_goal_numeric_field": 150.0
      "custom_label_dimensions": {
        "custom_goal_text_field": "String"
      "custom_event_dimensions": {
        "custom_goal_date_field": 1577836800000
  "current_page": 0, 
  "max_page_size": 1000, 
  "status_is_ok": true
Delete a goal
DELETE /goals/{id}
Delete a goal and its associated tasks by its internal goal_id.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
nopathFreshsuccess internal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
API to retrieve deals. Deals can be created within Freshsuccess to each account or could be synced from an external system. This API allows you to list the status of deals and fetch additional information.
Retrieve deals
GET /deals, /deals/{id}, /deals/external/{external_id}
Retrieves either a single or a set of deals. GET /deals returns all deals; GET /deals/{id} returns a single deal matching the specified Freshsuccess Internal ID.; GET /deals/external/{external_id} returns a single deal matching the specified external ID
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
nopathFreshsuccess internal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
nopathExternal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
Example Response
List all deals (/deals)
  "current_page": 0, 
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
      "account_id": "account_1", 
      "id": 1111, 
      "external_id": "EXTERNAL_1", 
      "name": "account_1 - Deal", 
      "description": "Deal description", 
      "product": "Fresh Product", 
      "amount": 999, 
      "stage": "New", 
      "owner_name": "Mr. Owner", 
      "owner_email": "", 
      "creator_name": "Mr. Creator", 
      "creator_email": "", 
      "create_time": 1602162785000, 
      "close_time": 1602162785000, 
      "expected_close_time": 1602162785000, 
      "pipeline": "Starting", 
      "source_created": "api", 
      "source": "api", 
      "external_sync_time": 1602162785000
      "account_id": "account_2", 
      "id": 2222, 
      "external_id": "EXTERNAL_2", 
      "name": "account_2 - Deal", 
      "description": "Deal description", 
      "product": "Fresh Product", 
      "amount": 999, 
      "stage": "New", 
      "owner_name": "Mr. Owner", 
      "owner_email": "", 
      "creator_name": "Mr. Creator", 
      "creator_email": "", 
      "create_time": 1602162785000, 
      "close_time": 1602162785000, 
      "expected_close_time": 1602162785000, 
      "pipeline": "Starting", 
      "source_created": "Freshsuccess", 
      "source": "Freshsuccess", 
      "external_sync_time": 1602162785000
Bulk insert/modify deals
POST /deals
Insert/modify deals in bulk. Pagination is supported
Body Parameters
Insert / Modify
no / noFreshsuccess internal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
no / noExternal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
yes / yesAccount ID
yes / noName of the deal
no / noDescription of the deal
no / noProduct for which the deal was created
yes / noValue of the deal
no / noStage of the deal
no / noName of the CRM rep who owns the deal
no / noEmail of the CRM rep who owns the deal
yes / noName of the CSM/CRM rep who created the deal
yes / noEmail of the CSM/CRM rep who created the deal
epoch milliseconds
no / noTime that the deal was created
epoch milliseconds
no / noTime that the deal was closed
epoch milliseconds
no / noTime that deal is expected to be closed
no / noPipeline of the deal
no / noThe source from where the deal was created
no / noIf set to true, the deal identified by id is permanently deleted
Modify a deal
PUT /deals/{id}, /deals/external/{external_id}
Modify an existing deal by either the internal or external ID. See the POST request for the JSON body parameters. The body should contain the user's account_id.
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
nopathFreshsuccess internal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
nopathExternal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
Delete a deal
DELETE /deals/{id}, /deals/external/{external_id}
Delete a deal based on the internal deal id or the external ID
URL Parameters
NameTypeRequiredParam TypeDescription
nopathFreshsuccess internal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
nopathExternal ID (one of id or external_id must be given)
API to retrieve objects filtered by specified conditions.
Retrieve objects
POST /search/{api}
Retrieve objects from specified API that match the conditions provided. Each record contains a condition that is evaluated against each object. All records matching all conditions are returned (each condition is ANDed with each other). Each record condition must contain an 'attribute' and a 'value' property. The attribute property contains the field to search for while the value contains the value of that field.

Supported APIs to search include:

  • 'accounts' - Account API (sub-objects including dimensions, nps history, stage history, csm assignment not searchable)
  • 'account_contacts' - Account contacts (sub-objects including dimensions not searchable)
  • 'account_users' - Account product users (sub-objects including dimensions not searchable)
Optionally, an 'operator' can be specified. If no operator is specified then exact equality is assumed.

Possible operators include:

  • 'eq' - equals (case sensitive for strings)
  • 'ne' - not equals (case sensitive for strings)
  • 'lt' - less than (numeric only)
  • 'le' - less than or equal (numeric only)
  • 'gt' - greater than (numeric only)
  • 'ge' - greater than or equal (numeric only)
  • 'like' - contains substring (case insensitive)
  • 'notLike' - does not contain substring (case insensitive)
  • 'isTrue' - is true (boolean only)
  • 'isFalse' - is false (boolean only)
Similar to other GET requests, Search requests support pagination using the 'page' query parameter. Likewise, Search responses use the GET response format:
  "current_page": 0, 
  "status_is_ok": true, 
  "results": [
Body Parameters
Insert / Modify
no / noName of the attribute to match on. The attribute must match the attribute specified in the API.
no / noValue used for comparison. Type depends on type of attribute.
Choices: eq,ne,lt,le,gt,ge,like,notLike,isTrue,isFalse
no / noOperator used to compare API's attribute to the value.
Example Request
Search /search/accounts for website containing '' and current_nps_score >= 70
  "records": [
      "attribute": "website", 
      "operator": "like", 
      "value": ""
      "attribute": "current_nps_score", 
      "operator": "ge", 
      "value": 70
Example Response
Response to account search
  "current_page": 0, 
  "results": [
      "account_id": "H_0", 
      "billing_account_id": null, 
      "crm_account_id": null, 
      "csm_score": null, 
      "current_health_score": null, 
      "current_mrr": null, 
      "current_nps_score": 75, 
      "current_stage": null, 
      "is_active": true, 
      "is_churned": false, 
      "join_date": 1412685594018, 
      "name": "Nater", 
      "phone": null, 
      "renewal_date": null, 
      "support_account_id": null, 
      "tier": "Established", 
      "website": ""
  "status_is_ok": true
Example Request
Search /search/account_users looking for users with email containing ''
  "records": [
      "attribute": "email", 
      "operator": "like", 
      "value": ""